A year of NHS Networks

As the end of 2023 approaches, I have reflected on how NHS Networks has supported the health care system over the last year. The figures look impressive – we launched our new website this year and we have seen half of you transfer your networks and content from the old legacy website to the new one. We have seen an increase in users to the site and an increase in newsletter subscribers.

We have provided a free weekly newsletter for over 100,000 people to keep them up to date with health and care sector news each week. We’ve also provided daily news alerts.

For the first time we have offered the ability via our website to:

  • Submit your events for publication on our main event calendar and these are now included in our weekly newsletter
  • Submit articles and blogs for inclusion in our weekly newsletter which is helping to spread good practice news stories
  • Direct message your colleagues

In 2024 we will be launching our new NHS Networks app.

Benefits of the app includes:

  • Users can add content on the go, via phones
  • Users respond to discussion forums conversations on their phones
  • Easier for users to access especially when travelling, out of office
  • Connect with users faster and easy
  • Simplify the user journey
  • Keeps users up to date via news section

We are delighted with the feedback from our clients which included:

“New website looks fresh and modern, it’s easier to use.”

“Thank you for including details about our service in your newsletter and for helping us spread the word about this new service for the NHS.”

“The new features added are a good addition – direct messaging and emoji’s”

Over the next year we look forward to supporting the health and care sector again ensuring that we deliver value for all our clients and providing the help and support they need to continue to deliver the best possible services to patients and improve the health and wellbeing of the population.

NHS Networks would like to wish all our readers merry Christmas and happy new year.

Keep up to date

Sign up to receive our daily news alerts straight to your inbox. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter containing a summary of the week’s news, blog and vote on our poll.

Have a discussion

Help keep the conversation going between meetings by creating a forum to hold discussions with your members. It’s an easy way to manage and communicate with members.

Create a network

Create a network to share documents, knowledge and best practice with your colleagues. Set up a network to keep in touch with other people in your organisation or with shared interest groups across organisational boundaries.

Networks can be open to all or available only to a closed group defined by the administrator.

Join or create a network here.