Building winter resilience through group clinics

In the NHS, we start talking about the subject as the flu vaccination season approaches. Yet, we know it is coming every year, and proactively supporting at risk people to prepare for the winter months is something we can plan well in advance.

Three teams we have worked with to introduce group clinics have taken three different approaches to building resilience that align perfectly with their different population’s health needs.

Dr Rupa Joshi, a committed pioneer of the group clinic model identified a group of school aged children who had been hospitalised for asthma exacerbations during the winter months. In preparation for the following winter, and over the school holidays, she ran a number of group clinics for the children and their families. These ensured they understood their inhalers, identified their triggers and had thought about how to manage asthma at home and at school. By involving them and their parents as equal partners, the children returned to school, feeling confident about managing their asthma and less isolated having met others in the same situation. The following winter none of them needed hospital treatment.

In 2022, In North Central London, Haringey GP Federation and Dr Rosi Marsh recognised that a big element of demand in general practice over the winter months was parents with young children, concerned about common ailments. Compounded by parents’ concerns about the Streptococcus A outbreak, the team accelerated their plans to set up and run webinars, based on the group clinic model, to support parents to self-triage and manage common childhood ailments. The one-hour webinars ran weekly; once during the day and once in the early evening, and quickly became popular as word of mouth spread. This helped stem demand for urgent appointments across the catchment area.

Finally, Laura Ireland, the specialist practitioner qualified general practice nurse at Moatfield Surgery, East Grinstead in Sussex wanted to use her team’s group clinic expertise to full effect before the winter. Launching her chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) group clinic initiative, she organised a number of group clinics over three days where she and the team undertook annual reviews, topped up any missing vaccinations and ensured everyone had an action plan in case they experience an exacerbation. The “Winter MOT” means she has delivered quality and outcomes framework requirements for half her COPD list in three days and ensured they are winter ready.

You can hear first-hand from these three teams at our forthcoming webinar:

Book webinar places here:

As long as you book a place before hand, we will send you the recording of the webinar afterwards.

Want to access training?
For more information about getting started and group clinic training and support in your integrated care board, contact:
Georgina Craig, Experience Led Care Team

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