Develop your personal resilience

Our lives are filled with highs and lows, accomplishments, and hardships. Throughout them all one quality can helpfully surface: personal resilience. Resilience is a skill that can be developed and strengthened over time. By assessing and recognising your current resilience, you can take steps for transformation which can help you to tackle challenges with courage and determination.

Here are my top five suggestions for developing your personal resilience:

Tip one: Creating a positive mindset.
Learn to challenge negative thoughts. Creating a positive internal dialogue can increase your confidence and help you maintain a resilient outlook.

Tip two: Increasing adaptability.
The only constant is change. Acknowledging that change is inevitable allows you to react in a professional and constructive fashion.

Tip three: Having a realistic outlook.
Take time to find a new perspective – think about what the most probable outcome may be. Breaking down challenges into more manageable steps can help build confidence and cement your sense of resilience.

Tip four: Leaning on your support network.
When faced with a challenging situation, remember there are colleagues, friends, or family to support you along the way.

Tip five: Look after yourself.
Personal wellbeing can suffer when we are faced with a challenge or set back. It is important to look at what helps you, for instance exercise, diet, and sleep to maintain a healthy body and resilient mind.

Develop your personal resilience is one of the workshops PCC offers. See our event calendar for more details.

Barrie Sample, personal and team development trainer, PCC.

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