Managing that huge workload

The blog for this week shares tips on managing a huge workload by Professor Mike Ferguson who is a PCC associate.

My team have studied successful professionals for almost 30 years. As psychologists, we’re not only interested in how they tick – but what we can learn from these extraordinary people that the rest of us can press into service for ourselves.

Some people appear to be really good at chewing through huge workloads – at the risk of a blush, I’m often told that I do this myself – so my colleagues at NHS Networks have asked me to share my top tips which guide my own thinking and approach to my job:

Make it a passion
Successful professionals love what they’re doing. If you don’t – find a great coach and work it out. Life’s too short to be grinding away at something which is just work.

Don’t take on anything new…
… without deciding, or agreeing, what you’re going to give up to make space for it. You just don’t have limitless time.

Get creative
There’s generally a better way to do something which is faster, or more satisfying. Use technology better (for example, speech recognition: I dictate all emails – talking is much faster than keyboarding)

Must I?
Too many of us are doing things which don’t add value to our organisations. Know what you Must do, Should do, Could do – and prioritise accordingly.

Train others, and delegate
Just because we can do something, doesn’t mean we should always be doing it.. and the same goes for things we ‘like’ doing!

Divide up your time
Stop thinking about process time. Work out what outcomes you’re going to deliver, and by when. Break down into small, manageable chunks – most people can’t focus for more than 20-30 minutes.

If you’re in the room…
… be in the room! Avoid distractions which take your mind elsewhere. You need to be focussed, and psychologically present.

Value yourself – you are enough!
In a healthy environment, you don’t have to keep proving yourself. Ask yourself ‘Why?’ if you continue to feel that’s necessary.

Know your five…
We eventually become the average of the five people we mostly hang out with – so choose wisely – or move!

Be a lifelong learner
Seek out others who do the same kind of work yet seem less stressed. Pay attention to their thinking and working practices – most people love to talk about themselves!


Most of these are learnable skills, or habits. Great coaching and training is available through PCC, and a variety of online resources.
If you continue doing what you’ve always done – you’ll get what you’ve always got!

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Prof Mike Ferguson is Director of Professional Development at Developing Professionals International, and a PCC Associate of many years.

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