Becoming a confident and proactive committee member


7 August 2024    
09:30 - 12:00


Becoming involved as a committee member or non-executive director (NED) of a partnership, a board, or voluntary or community organisation or indeed any sort of committee is about so much more than simply going to meetings, although attending meetings is an essential activity that can’t be avoided!

Whatever the name given to your role on your committee being involved is an active rather than a passive task and you need to be aware of what that role involves.

For instance, what your committee is tasked with doing? What are governance arrangements, where (if anywhere) does your committee report to?

Who else sits on the committee and on what authority, how is business undertaken and decisions made, recorded, and acted upon.

What’s your motivation for joining do you know why you’re involved? What your responsibilities are? What skills and time you need to discharge your responsibilities?

If you’d like to explore these questions in a little more detail, then this 2.5 hour online workshop (delivered by an experienced facilitator and trainer with hands-on experience of being a chair and a committee member) could be for you.

The workshop is designed to be interactive and will be delivered as a blend of theory and group work and will cover:

  • What skills you have to offer/what skills are required to be an effective committee member
  • Preparing for meetings
  • Confident communication
  • Decision making including:
    • Voicing disagreement
    • Supporting the consensus.
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