
The Yorkshire & Humber neonatal network is made up of 19 different hospitals and covers a geographical area ranging from York to Chesterfield (North to South) & Grimsby to the Pennines (East to West).

We also have a designated transport team – Embrace – who transfer babies by ambulance, helicopter and occasionally by aeroplane. A series of videos can be accessed here which explain the transfer process and why this may need to take place.

Within our network we have four hospitals which provide the majority of the Intensive Care which is required in our area. Some of these units will also provide surgery and post surgical care:

NICUs (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)

Many other hospitals provide High Dependency care

LNUs (Local Neonatal Unit)

A small number of hospitals focus on Special Care

SCUs (Special Care Units)

One unit solely provides neonatal surgical care

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